Inbred "trash buck". The game warden actually said he was probably two years old. I find that hard to believe but I sure aint knowledgeable in aging deer so I'll take his word for it. I just like to think I helped to clean up the gene pool in that area.
Eric Rogers
drop that suckerDylan Shewchuk
Put a doe tag on that sad soulMatthew Lichti
get rid of that gene poolJeff Bagley
you dont eat the hornsMichelle Leake
old buck coming back down?john cadwell
coud've damaged his rack during velvet i shot i 4 yr old with similiar antlersShella Palmer
Don't matter, ugly is ugly!Jacob Saunders
looks like a Florida deer i seen a few deer like that that re 2 to 3 years old have horns that smallNoah Jenkins
I don't see why you are calling this a "trash buck." If it put meat on your table, then what are you complaining about?Adam Benrud
Not complaining about it at all . . . thats just what we call these guys over here