By luc laframboise 12 years ago
Quebec 1500 views 4 comments
Nice 8 pointer we got on the week-end my father and I.
Dropped onto the board:
12 Drops
Originally Dropped by:
luc laframboise
12 years ago
Tags: hunting, -deer-hunting, -whitetails
Tags: deer-hunting, -thebigdeer, -whitetail-hunting
Paul Carter
Nice one.luc laframboise
Thanks Paul, Neck shot, dropped like a bag of apples.Paul Carter
I got one last year in the neck. He was behind a tree with his neck out. It was the only shot I had and he went down hard.luc laframboise
Both my Dad and I shoot in the neck with a riffle that is, we have'nt lost one yet, some say It's risky but I say anybody can prepare for these short length shots from tree stands, I won't do neck shots with a crossbow though.