Kyle Rawlings


The Widest Whitetail in All the Land

By 12 years ago

17687 views 14 comments

How...what...who? I wish I had more information on this buck but all I have is this picture taken from this fall. Anyone know where it's from?


Jesse Artrip

Jesse Artrip

he is from south central virginia, 32in spread
bryan kelley

bryan kelley

freaking nice. dont matter where its from. thats nice


i aint one to pull the fake card but i mean come on now obviously fake !
Joey Young

Joey Young

Awesome buck, everything i would ever want!
BillieJo Maynard

BillieJo Maynard

fake only because you didnt get it.
Austin Preece

Austin Preece

its real. i checked it out n on a few dif news sites it said shot w bow on oct 30. i just wonder how the heck it wilked thru any brush
Nick Parlatore

Nick Parlatore

Oh my god...this is exactly like the one I've seen on my trail camera if not identical. We estimated about 30in spread on mine and it has 9 points. Check it out, it's called the widest rack, this is so coincidental it's ridiculous.
James Davis

James Davis

Not fake! Mecklingberg county Va!
thatcher morrison

thatcher morrison

probably a farm deer
Troy Cuppy

Troy Cuppy

wouldn't stand much of a chance sparring with another buck...but a great mount for sure!
Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson

Jerry Harton im so glad you know this is fake when one of my friends fathers killed this deer and i layed eyes on it myself/.
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Real. Would be nearly impossible to retouch a photo like this.
paul camelia

paul camelia

all i know it would of made a great christmas/birthday gift for me
Matthew Brewer

Matthew Brewer

the guy that showed me this was related to the hunter.. the guy that showed me the pic also shot an 11 point 200+ lb beast in wake co NC
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Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

12 years ago

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