Tyler Brown


Record Moose Bagged in Alaska

By 12 years ago

Alaska 10987 views 5 comments

“The first time I measured it in the field, it had a score of 731 with all the points, palm width and antler width measurements, but back at home it came out to 706,” Condon said. “The score should be finalized by November, but right now it’s coming in second in the world for size by Safari Club measurements, and I’m waiting to have it measured for Boone and Crockett, but I know it’ll make their books, too.”

-Brian McClintock


Javier Ruiz

Javier Ruiz

Nice moose.
Olivia Graves

Olivia Graves

if only they had monsters like that here.
Kurt May

Kurt May

wow, nice
John Garwood

John Garwood

Where are the "Fenced in" comments like there is for Whitetail? (Sorry couldn't resist! ) Nice!
sarfraz khan

sarfraz khan

Wow.That is impressive.
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Tyler Brown

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