Cecil Hurt



By 12 years ago

2883 views 8 comments

All I can say is OUCH!!!


J.r. Steffen

J.r. Steffen

That sucks
AJ Capanear

AJ Capanear

ooo, thats bowtech too. how does that happen
Lloyd Sheldon

Lloyd Sheldon

My exact question...HOW??? I can feel it all the way up to Canada...Yuk...!!!
Cj Loucks

Cj Loucks

Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith

ouch. please tell us how that is possible did you have a arrow to short.
Joe King

Joe King

I'm calling BS, where's the blood? No shadows from the light. It just don't jive no matter how I consider it possible.
john bartley

john bartley

i seen this picture last year in bow shop its from the arrow being shorter then it was supposed to be or what they said but think about this if it was a broadhead it wouldda been pretty ugly?
john bartley

john bartley

i believe the only thing stopping the pass thru was arrow feathers?
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Jason Couture

Jason Couture

12 years ago




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