Mark Guderski


Opening Day Some Year

By 13 years ago

1602 views 4 comments

Just a Nice Buck.


Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

You ain't kidding. I'd take that buck any day of the week and in any state.
Mark Guderski

Mark Guderski

Thanks Eric, but, I will think twice before shooting this type again. We all evolve at our own pace in regards to what we want to harvest.
Rick Rinehart

Rick Rinehart

well said mark. i used to scoff at some who shoot spikes or 120 class bucks but the love of the outdoors and the hunt is the focus not the antler size per se. if it gets ya going and you are a respectful hunter...its all good. we do evolve though especially the more ya hunt and the more land you manage. no doubt about that.

as far as following me. when you load my site just click the orange follow button under my pic.

i am off to wyoming and montana in a few weeks for archery deer. i will be hunting with the sportsman of north america television show so maybe i will make the edit if i get a nice buck! In Pursuit television is there filming the week prior to ours. should be sweet. take care

Mark Guderski

Mark Guderski

GOOD LUCK. I hope someday I am drawn for 1 of those hunts with Sportsmen of N. America. Ive been a member for many years now. You are followed.
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Mark Guderski

13 years ago

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