Daniel Palka


My First Deer with a bow! 3rd time is thee charm!

By 12 years ago

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I had missed my chance to harvest a deer with my bow twice before, once when I was 10 and the other when I was 16 a few months before I Harvested this buck in Late December after Christmas. I had just gotten the Mathews Reezen 6.5 only 4 days before I shot this deer. I thank my Hunting Bud Jonny for getting me on this deer and I thank Jesus Christ!


Peter Bridges

Peter Bridges

It's great to see the younger folks taking up the fine sport of hunting...congrats!
Daniel Palka

Daniel Palka

Thanks, now thanks to my first kill with a bow I'm pumped and excited for bow season to start here in Michigan! I feel like an addict to bow hunting and hunting in general!
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My First Deer ...

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Daniel Palka

Daniel Palka

12 years ago

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