thomas kennedy


my fantacy came true :D

By 12 years ago

1686 views 8 comments

day 3 of the hunt


Woodrow W

Woodrow W

your going to need a bigger freezer.
John Clark

John Clark

I agree. Good to know this guy aint in it for the trophy, he's in it for the meat.
Keng Moua

Keng Moua

wow tht alot of deer and tht good year long meat :)
Jerry Wiggins

Jerry Wiggins

Looks like a lotta fun and a lotta work! Great picture!
Todd Quinn

Todd Quinn

you guys sure put a hurting on the doe population
Matt Hoffpauir

Matt Hoffpauir

That is a lot of venison! I'm jealous.
Brad Van Aken

Brad Van Aken

wow killing off the heard
thomas kennedy

thomas kennedy

you people kill me.....we hunt in a party and all tags get filled do u think they would issue this many doe taggs if it was gonna do any harm to the deer population?????? lol so now u know they only issue so many tags in an area so that it doesnt effect the poulation go practice your stratigies and tecniques and maybe youll doo this good aswell :D happy hunting...
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thomas kennedy

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