Eddie Hansen


Mississippi State Record Black Drum

By 13 years ago

12574 views 20 comments

70 pounds 5 ounces, caught on a half a crab, on 20 pound test, still hold the record.


Eddie Hansen

Eddie Hansen

Not fake, just because you have never caught a fish that big does not make it fake. Ya big Stupid!
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

black drum,, they get huge I caught a 45 lbs one years ago on 12 lb test
William Baker

William Baker

I don't doubt they get that big, but that picture is so photoshopped its ridiculous. That fish looks like it weighs 170 pounds. And the guy wouldn't be holding it with 1 hand like that. Stupid.
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Huge drum. The world record is 113 lbs. They're great to eat also.
Eddie Hansen

Eddie Hansen

Baker you are a dipsh-t! Here is the website to the Mississippi Department of Marine resources that has a list of all the current MS state records. So you sir can SUCK IT!!!! By the way it is only 70 pounds. I'm sorry if you cant lift that much! Copy and paste this into your browser. dmr.ms.gov/images/fisheries/finfish/conventional.pdf
John Letcher

John Letcher

William B.,just because you can not hold a 170 pound fish does not mean it cant be done,I do curls with 120 pounds when I work out and I could hold 170 in that position with minimal effort,just because you could not does not mean it cant be done,it just means maybe you need to workout with more than that keyboard......
John Letcher

John Letcher

o yeah,I almost forgot,the fish is only 70 pounds.
Eddie Hansen

Eddie Hansen

Thank you John!
Jess Larche

Jess Larche

i would have to agree the photo does look photoshopped i dont doubt the record i doubt the picture
Eddie Hansen

Eddie Hansen

I have not been a member too long on this site, but it sure seems that there is a lot of people that do nothing but say everything is photo-shopped. Some of the people give reasons which make a lot of sense like shadowing or distance, but some don't know there ass from a hole in the ground about what they are talking about and appear to just be jealous. This picture is real Jess. Why don't you let me use that little bass for bait so I can catch a big fish.
Jess Larche

Jess Larche

this is the first picture ive said doesnt look 100 percent and I'm entitled to an opinion and i never stated the picture isn't real once all i said is that it looks Photoshopped and yeah my fish is small but my first year fishing im not doing that bad
Adam Dobell

Adam Dobell

Hey William baker little jelouse are we that is a 100% real fish and Eddie verry nice fish good catch keep up the good work on breaking records. Hey did you git the monster mounted? If you did do you have a pic of it mounted?
Eddie Hansen

Eddie Hansen

No it would have cost too much. It was donated to the University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research
Lab in Ocean Springs Mississippi. They wanted to study it. They estimated it to be 40 years old. Before they finished all their research hurricane Katrina wiped out their facility. I just got my Certificate from the state.
John Clark

John Clark

I have to say that this picture IS NOT photoshopped because the mouth of the fish is very proportionate to the size of the fish. IF it were photoshopped, the mouth would be much smaller. We catch alot of drums around my parts and that's is definitely legitimate.
William Baker

William Baker

Eddie, John and Adam, every one of you can pound salt. Jess is right, i don't doubt the record just the picture. It's only my opinion anyway i didn't mean to make you cry. If you can't take the critizism, don't post stupid pictures. I'm not jealous of a fake picture, retards, i just don't like liars. I didn't give a reason for saying it was photoshopped because i thought it was pretty obvious but i guess that means i'm just smarter than you are. Shadowing and distance are both an issue as well as lighting. The lighting is totally different from the rest of the picture and the whole fish looks like it was just magnified and shopped back into that picture. If you don't want people to doubt your pictures, have someone with at least half a brain operating the camera. DUMBASS.
William Baker

William Baker

Oh yeah i almost forgot, John L, i said the fish LOOKS like it weighs 170lbs, its almost as big as the guy holding it. Idiot.
Chris Jenna Simpson

Chris Jenna Simpson

the only thing that makes it look fake is the way It is being held.....
Eddie Hansen

Eddie Hansen

Once again it is only a 70 pound fish. I have my hand crammed up into his gill. What is so hard about that?
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Eddie Hansen

Eddie Hansen

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