Angie Hicks-Clary


Hunting Firsts in Alaska!

By 13 years ago

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Hunting is not for the faint of heart......especially in Alaska!!!!

After moving to Alaska this last fall we have been waiting patiently to start hunting in our new home state. Finally the time came for my husband to set off on his first Alaska hunting adventure!! And thank the Goddess she provided us with a respectable specimen! Weighing in at 700 plus pounds at the processing company and measuring 49 1/4 inches, this moose will feed us for some time and will make an awesome mount for the wall!

Wait what wall though......we are running out of room!!!!


chuckles norris

chuckles norris

A 700 pound moose can feed a family for a while.
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MOOSE ON!!! Al...

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Angie Hicks-Clary

Angie Hicks-Clary

13 years ago

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