Warrior Outdoors


Down Syndrome

By 12 years ago

Kansas 7218 views 4 comments

Source : http://www.facebook.com/WarriorOutdoors/allactivity

David Saville shot this buck scoring 145 3/8.

He has Down Syndrome but doesn't let that get in the way of deer hunting. David is also an eagle scout!


Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

David is an impressive fellow.
Dave Spiker

Dave Spiker

WOW! Good job and I know it takes a lot of work and patience to harvest such a great animal!! Welcome to the "BIG BUCK CLUB" of hunters all around this great country!
Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

Awesome buck. Congratulations to David.
Deb Williamson Spotser

Deb Williamson Spotser

Well done, David! My son, who is 31 and has Down Syndrome, is also a hunter.
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