By Kellie Grabher 12 years ago
Elkhorn, Wisconsin 2960 views 7 comments
Having some debate weather these are doe or buck tracks. Please chime in....?
Dropped onto the board:
4 Drops
Originally Dropped by:
Kellie Grabher
12 years ago
Tags: hunting, -deer-hunting, -whitetails
Tags: deer-hunting, -thebigdeer, -whitetail-hunting
Eric Rogers
doeKyle Reis
DoeMatt Cramp
doeKellie Grabher
Doe's have it! But it's a BIG doe right?none of your business
Depends on what size shoe you wear...I'd say it doesn't look to big though...none of your business
By the way, a good way to tell whether its a buck track or not is if it the hoofs are spread out more and there is usauly a pair of small dots behind the hoofs.Kellie Grabher
Good to know! Thanks! I'll be looking now!