Jamie Walker


Bow Hunting 2012

By 13 years ago

2966 views 8 comments

A jokester friend of mine photoshopped a deer into this picture. Fun-nay! The only thing I saw was a squirrel, two birds and a spider. Sunday I saw a hummingbird and a black ant. Living on the edge!


Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

Good luck this year!
Delanah Selm

Delanah Selm

love you bow. nice job
Carol Naron

Carol Naron

At least your huntn, keep it up, it'll pay off....love to see young ladies bowhuntn, good luck.
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

its been a ruff early season up here too! Hang in there and get ready for Rut!
Jamie Walker

Jamie Walker

Thanks everyone! I'm hitting it Thursday night and this weekend. I just need to get the first one, then I will be settled down.
Jamie Walker

Jamie Walker

Have you seen anything Ryan?
Carol Naron

Carol Naron

Jamie, I have been bowhuntn since back before it was cool, started out a sixteen year old kid in 1982, have not hunted with a gun since, there is nothing running an arrow through one at 8 or 10 steps, good luck, from reading your comments and how excited you sound, you will be so hooked when you drop one, just put it in the right spot,have confidence in your bow, and practice as much as you can. It opened for me last Saturday.keep us posted.
Jamie Walker

Jamie Walker

I just took my bow today to Drop Tine in Advance to get some adjustments made. They were great! I should start shooting more accurate. All of my pins were wrong for different shooting lengths. Headed back in to the woods in the morning. I missed a doe Sunday so hopefully this will be a better shot. Thanks for the encouragement Carol!
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Jamie Walker

Jamie Walker

13 years ago

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