Writing Huntress


Biggest Walleye I've Ever Caught

By 13 years ago

New York 3442 views 5 comments

And he didn't even fight at all.


Tom Lindberg

Tom Lindberg

WOW, nice fillets. I miss fishing Walleye. None of those in NC.
he didnt fight cuz he was too full lol
Austin Preece

Austin Preece

How big is it?
Battle  Scraps

Battle Scraps

Ms. Huntress, do you film your hunts?
Writing Huntress

Writing Huntress

Tom- I just moved to ND from NC.. three cheers for walleye!

Austin- Not sure.. from my shoulder to my knee? Weight unknown

Battle- I was filmed in October by huntography.com. If you check out the 2011 trailer, I'm in it. I also have a YouTube channel with some novice film work. If you google The Writing Huntress (writinghuntress) or Hunt Like You're Hungry, you'll find everything about me!
Austin Preece

Austin Preece

Haha! Thanks for the estimate!
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Writing Huntress

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