Austin Tuttle


bigger than hogzilla

By 12 years ago

5067 views 17 comments

i killed this


Austin Tuttle

Austin Tuttle

look at hogzilla then

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson

im well aware of what it looks like but im also aware that was a VERY rare case
Austin Tuttle

Austin Tuttle

well i killed a big ole thing i could not even get this in my truck

Daniel Morthland

Daniel Morthland

one lucky shot with that pistol, son.
Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson

domesticated hogs dont even get that big...
Michael Brown

Michael Brown

no way that is real
Frank Buypal

Frank Buypal

Oh good grief...the kid is standing back about feet making the hog look huge but still a nice hog
Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson

Micheals right
Tommy Cleveland

Tommy Cleveland

that is the original hogzilla, it weighed 700lbs, if you look closely he is far behind the hog.
Allen Smith

Allen Smith

Frank has it, the kid is several feet back making the hog look huge compared to the kid. But it is a nice one.
Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson

Tommys right too this guys trying to pass it off as his
Dave Spiker

Dave Spiker

Shame on you nay-sayers. The young man is leaning on its back and its as round as a pipe. Should he be riding it to show you he has monster hog??? AMAZING how so many people today can't give congrats to a young person for doing something well. GOOD JOB Young man! A once in a lifetime hog for sure!
Kraig Bales

Kraig Bales

great job congrats.
Austin Tuttle

Austin Tuttle

thankyou dave and kraig
Austin Tuttle

Austin Tuttle

bill you just need to shut your mouth
Alex Sinclair

Alex Sinclair

Look at the gun the kid has there is no way it would kill the hog
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Austin Tuttle

Austin Tuttle

12 years ago




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