Warrior Outdoors


Big Deer

By 12 years ago

Wisconsin 19478 views 16 comments

Is this real or fake? I feel this is fake but still kinda cool to think about.


Addie Garretson

Addie Garretson

FAKE FAKE FAKE sorry dude but come on...this site is for real hubters not wantabe's
Addie Garretson

Addie Garretson

hunters opps type-o
Rich Fuhry

Rich Fuhry

Fake no way in hell that deer could walk wit a rack like that
Randy Combs

Randy Combs

can we say photo shopped
Eric Naistus

Eric Naistus

dont be mad because he got daddy,and yall got bambie lolz
Diane Preteau

Diane Preteau

Big imagination, photo shop at it's best
Thomas Jasonson

Thomas Jasonson

Seems legit...
larry williams

larry williams

Hell I passed one up bigger than that one.
matthew carlson

matthew carlson

sadly its not actually photo shopped what it is is some guys went out and started making these fake racks like this for fun and they can make them at big as they want they look legit in pictures least the antler but when they make them like this you just know they are fake it basically would be like making a replica of a rack but taking that to an extreme point.
Eric Naistus

Eric Naistus

Matthew Byrd

Matthew Byrd

James Cooper

James Cooper

Dude Elk dont even have mass like that at the bass of its horns
Karen Wiley

Karen Wiley

fake no way he could hold that head up straight as is and not be unbalaced
Keith Warden

Keith Warden

BAHAHAHAHAAHAHA We have rabbits in Canada with bigger racks!!
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