Haley W


Archery Antelope 2012 Nevada

By 13 years ago

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My dad got his first archery tag this year. Him and I did endless hours of scouting to find the perfect spot. We ended up settling by this small spring in a canyon under the shade of some Juniper trees. We were originally planning to stay out there for 4 or 5 days, but the first morning we got out there, out comes a monster buck and another smaller buck. My dad stuck the big boy at 36 yards. The buck ran about 50 feet, and then fell over dead. I would love to post the video of the hunt on this site, but I can't. However, you can follow this link to our YouTube video: youtube.com/watch


chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Tough hunting in open country like that. Most non hunters have no idea the skill it takes to do this. Congratulations to your Dad.
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Haley W

Haley W

13 years ago

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