Justin Beutler


a wyoming bull elk hunt

By 12 years ago

Wyoming 2679 views 2 comments

last day of elk season. Everything on the line. down to the wire. we had to make it happen. the public land we hunted was crawling with people, stupid people. i honestly thought it was going to be impossible to pull off this hunt. the only solution; hike down into no one else was. we hit it hard. a few miles in, lunch time. my dad and i took a seat to eat our lunch. just eatin' and BAM! There was a cow. 70 yards away! shoot! no, wait what was that? an elk bugle! oooh. and hes close. REAL close. lets wait and see if this bull comes out. BAM! more cows. and more cows. about a total of ten cows work their way down the draw away from us. ...the bull stops bugling... oh crap where did he go? oh man! i should've stuck one of them cows. ugh! i turn to my dad, he just shrugs. i unarrowed my bow to see if we could make a stalk on those cows. we moved down to a nearby tree at the bottom of the draw. when i saw him...

This bull comes crashing out of trees like a freight train going after his cows. before i knew it, i had an arrow knocked and ready. my dad looks at me and mouths, "draw back." so i did. i couldn't find this bull. it's like he knew we were there. about a minute went by... i was about ready to release my draw until he came charging out from behind a stand of trees. i quickly located through my sites. stuck the forty yard pin on him. but he was still running. i quickly tried my best cow call with my mouth. it worked! he stopped! i burried that 40 yard pin deep into his shoulder and let that arrow fly. from there everything happened in slow motion. the luminok i had on the arrow lit clearly as it flew, leaving a streak of red through the air until the arrow disappeared into the elk with a dull "thwump." from there, i went bazerk! i couldn't believe i shot my first bull elk! i will forever remember that day as one of my most precious moments ever! more to come! i promise.


Eugenio Garza

Eugenio Garza

Congratulation Justin!!!!
Justin Beutler

Justin Beutler

thank you Eugenio!
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Justin Beutler

12 years ago

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