Source : http://www.facebook.com/bobbywiggins60?ref=hl
Robert Gramoll's 202-inch monster buck could very well be a Juneau County, Wis., record, which would place it in the top 10 for the state.
BW Hunts 706-708-2069
Source : http://www.facebook.com/bobbywiggins60?ref=hl
Robert Gramoll's 202-inch monster buck could very well be a Juneau County, Wis., record, which would place it in the top 10 for the state.
BW Hunts 706-708-2069
Jodi Cullen
happy fella...nice pic..big smile.......i'm sooo jealous!david stillo
beautiful buck robert,congrats..reminds me of a 18 pointer i hunted years ago in MN that was quite a bit bigger than yours,his rack coming off his head was as thick as pop cans and very similiar height,spread..was the biggest typical i ever saw in my life,he would of been a world record,but nobody ever got him..at least i still got the memories,would of had him one morning as i was setting up my scent barrier,he was snorting at me (very close) but i just couldn't quite see him,was a little too dark yet,all i heard after a few minutes was him trotted across the corn stubble field i was hunting,never saw him again that hunting season..congrats again..Warrior Outdoors
Good on you David for not taking a careless shot.Wild Fox
Just WOW! Huge deer...