Randy Wildasin


2006 8 Point

By 13 years ago

PA 2083 views 2 comments

Source : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1318711214823

This hunt holds a special place in my heart. 2006 was the year my father passed away from cancer. Being 31 years old it hurt a dug deep. One of the things he gave me was the gift of hunting and the outdoors so it only seemed right that this year I would kill the biggest buck of my life to this point in the PA woods. I have never been about horns although they are nice when we grew up it was more about what could be put on the table rather then a collection of horns on the wall. I still to this day enjoy hunting and every deer is a trophy no matter the size or shape of the head gear. I actually seen this buck in the morning of the day I killed him chasing doe with another smaller buck and decided to set a stand on the hillside they have been running. Once in the stand I sat forever before I finally seen a doe at 330. Then nothing until about 415 when I heard a series of loud grunts working the hillside and here he came nose to the ground looking for love. He made it by me so fast I did not have time to put an arrow in him let alone draw the now. So I grabbed the grunt tube, estrus bleat, and rattling horns and started a freak show 20 feet up in the tree basically doing anything I could do to try and grab his attention. At 80 yards and my 3rd crack on the horns he stopped and looked back. I continued to rattle and grunt and he slowly made his way towards the sound. Bristled up like he was Arnold Schwarzenegger in a nerd bar he came in to try and figure out who's butt he was going to have to kick and where he was at. At 17 yards he stepped onto a old tram road and stopped. I released the arrow and he spun and ran. We let him go that night as it was cold and I thought I may have put the shot a little far back and it was the worst night of my life waiting to see if he was down. Morning came and we went back on the hill to find him 40 yards from where I shot. For this one I thank my DAD for giving me this gift of the outdoors and this bucks for DAD.


Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson

great buck and sorry for the loss of you dad. He is still with you every time you put the camo on :)
Randy Wildasin

Randy Wildasin

Absolutely and thanks for the comment!!!
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Randy Wildasin

13 years ago

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