rodney keckler


bear take down

By 13 years ago

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  • bear take down
  • bear take down
  • bear take down
  • bear take down

bear taken down a deer along the road


Woodrow W

Woodrow W

How does this happen. Must have been injured.
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

maybe got bumped by a car or something,,, This picture resembles the problem I am having with bears! Wonder were this photo is from?
John Clark

John Clark

That bear appears to be a juvenile and would normally never be able to take down that deer, I agree that it must have been a wounded deer.
Todd Copenhaver

Todd Copenhaver

Blue Ridge Parkway in VA.....there is a whole series of these shots from when the bear showed up to after he killed it.....the deer was laying in the ditch with a broken leg....i know the fellow who took these shots.....He went from having a nice day just riding the parkway to this scene......the whole episode took about 30 minutes but he has over 50 photos of it...
David Oberhauser

David Oberhauser

Bears are scavengers, they'll eat anything that won't eat them first. Or that can't get away.
walter lynch

walter lynch

so true
Jay Rink

Jay Rink

Well, I guess bears gotta eat too.
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rodney keckler

13 years ago

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