Kyle Rawlings


The Most Rattlesnakes I've Ever Seen

By 13 years ago

9089 views 14 comments

The crazy thing is that I use to play in the culverts all the time when I was younger. When I got married my wife made me stop and get a real job ;)

This is a group of rattlesnakes called a rhumba but it's the cottonmouths that bother me.


Roy Adams

Roy Adams

That makes my cringe a little. Me and Indian Jones.
Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

Yeah I feel a little queazy.
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

I use to play in culverts too...
Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

id crap my pants
Will Alexander

Will Alexander

I just did.
Carl Aldridge

Carl Aldridge

A couple of unplugged fully loaded semi auto shotguns seem to be in order.
James Kwiatkowski

James Kwiatkowski

uh yep, i would make a new door way somewhere!.....only good snake is a dead one!
Josh Thompson

Josh Thompson

son thats money in tx right there
Bill Copus

Bill Copus

I would try to catch one? Or all.
Nick Rodgers

Nick Rodgers

man that would feed me for a while
Nick Rodgers

Nick Rodgers

maybe I'd keep three or4 for a pet
Theodore Broker

Theodore Broker

Umm, I think that a stick of dynamite is what is to be used in this situation
Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

I see four. Oops. Spelled that wrong. I C4.
Mike Mellon

Mike Mellon

that my friends would be a den site only thing is they just gave them a new one other than the small cave they was staying in snakes will go back to their den site every yr for life unless they are disturbed but sum times they come right back ad well this is a good version of us tearing up wildlife homes
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Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

13 years ago



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