Nick McPherson


My honey

By 13 years ago

2238 views 4 comments

89 Chevy 1500 liftted 6 in on 33's.. built 350 best hunting truck I could ask for


Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

She's a beaut. How long have you two been married?
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

Goin on a year now. Shes not even cheaper than my girlfriend I keep snapping axles 4 wheeling so now It's time for some plastic surgery
Mike Molinaro

Mike Molinaro

put a dana 60 in her, and a solid axle up front too. put in some taller gears too, it'll help get the power to the ground better
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

Thanks Mike, I'm actually looking for a full tranny replacement, Its a 5spd and Im trien to decide who I wanna go with. Cause im looking to throw a supercharger on her to pull the hills at the lease a little better
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Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

13 years ago

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