Brian Newman


Is this funny or scary?

By 13 years ago

4497 views 5 comments

First off, it's fake. And this is the biggest grizzly I've ever seen. It's funny to me.


chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Scary. I'm used to gators, snakes and wild hogs. Bears scare me. Strong, fast, smart and they can climb trees.
Dylan Lewis

Dylan Lewis

itd be funny if i was there becuase id have my 357 and bear loads to handle to situation when it charged xD
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

That's a bad creature.
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

how is that fake again??
Brian Newman

Brian Newman

It was staged. Trained bear. Has a director and everything. The Bear Witch Project
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Brian Newman

Brian Newman

13 years ago




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