Brian Newman


Close Call With Charging Boar

By 12 years ago

5400 views 7 comments

This may be one my favorite hog hunting videos ever. God bless a .45!


Tim Morehead

Tim Morehead

Looks to me like the panicky simple bastard is lucky he didn't shoot his friend.
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

i agree, idk how the guy with the rifle didnt get killed
Alex Castelano

Alex Castelano

I thought he had also shot his friend because as soon as he started shooting his friend fell and starts rolling with the pig. IDIOT!!!
Thomas Locke

Thomas Locke

Well this could be the most stupid thing I have ever seen that doesn't make hunting look safe and its not about to make are restrictions and regulations any better its retards like them that makes it harder for the rest of us dumb asses not that it wasn't sweet I think we all wanna pop are 8 rounds off on a very close raging pig
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

What would the charging boar done if it got the guy. IDK pigs don't seem all that scary....
Jeanie Wallace

Jeanie Wallace

Wild boars are very dangerous. We had lots of them in Southern Oregon. We never went out of the house ont he ranch without being well armed. But this guy is lucky his friend didn't shoot him. They should have all held still and taken a close head shot. They certainly had time for several.
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

Looks to me like someone needs a few safety classes
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Brian Newman

Brian Newman

12 years ago



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