Brad Jennings


Goodbye Afghanistan, Hello October 1st!!

By 13 years ago

2422 views 7 comments time left here in Afghanistan is coming quickly to a close...which means it's time to go home and start shooting my bow. Michigan bow season opens October 1st, which means Ill have around two weeks to get ready. My brother has got us hooked up with a killer spot...and the blood will flow!! I'm so excited to get home and relax...enjoy being outdoors....and spend time with friends and family!

See ya'll out I come!

Photo: That's me on the right with the black G36 assault rifle. We were doing the German Shoot event and I shot silber (it's German...I can spell!)


Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

Congrats on making it in for the season and Thank you for your service to our country. I've got several friends that were over there and most of them came home. Good luck this season. And an early WELCOME HOME!!!
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

Congrats. It will be good to get you back home. Good luck this fall.
Brad Jennings

Brad Jennings

Thanks...I really looking forward to it! Hopefully going to also make it to FL for a pig hunt!
Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

Thanks for your service and good luck this season. I don't get to hunt hogs but would love to one day.
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Congratulations and welcome home. I hope you have good luck this season. You deserve it.
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Congratulations Brad. I look forward to seeing your photos from hunting season.
Brad Jennings

Brad Jennings

Well my first shot at a deer with a bow yesterday and I think I might have hit him high shoulder. We couldn't find any blood but I saw the arrow traveling with the deer. That asshole kept my arrow and my Rage! Grr! LOL That was also the first time I shoot out of a tree stand so yea...I hit him though. He was a nice little 4 pt...he'll get his! :) Stay tuned!!
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Brad Jennings

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