Michael Robertson


Ever seen a walleye this big?

By 12 years ago

25998 views 15 comments

This is by far the biggest I've seen.


Nathan Kobes

Nathan Kobes

how big is that walleye????? and where were you when you caught it ?????
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

For real?
Chuck Irving

Chuck Irving

Exactly.How big and how much did it weigh?Looks almsot photoshoped.
Chuck Irving

Chuck Irving

Walleyes grow to about 80 cm (31 in) in length, and weigh up to about 9 kg (20 lb). The maximum recorded size for the fish is 107 cm (42 in) in length and 11.3 kilograms (25 lb) in weight. The growth rate depends partly on where in their range they occur, with southern populations often growing faster and larger. In general, females grow larger than males. Walleyes may live for decades; the maximum recorded age is 29 years. In heavily fished populations, however, few walleye older than five or six years of age are encountered. In North America, where they are heavily prized, their typical size when caught is on the order of 30 to 50 cm (12 to 20 in), substantially below their potential size.
As walleye grow longer, they increase in weight. The relationship between length and weight is not linear. The relationship between total length (L) and total weight (W) for nearly all species of fish can be expressed by an equation of the form

Invariably, b is close to 3.0 for all species, and c is a constant that varies among species. For walleye, b = 3.180 and c = 0.000228 (with units in inches and pounds).[2]
The relationship described in this section suggests a 50 cm (20 in) walleye will weigh about 1.5 kg (3.3 lb), while a 60 cm (24 in) walleye will likely weigh about 2.5 kg (5.5 lb).
Scott Bowers

Scott Bowers

hello photoshop lol........walleye simply dont get that big........
Geoff Barnes

Geoff Barnes

Its not a Walleye....its a Zander, found in Europe.
James Cooper

James Cooper

The difference between a walleye and a zander is the country its located in
Julien Francoeur

Julien Francoeur

Biggest one I caught was 11.3 pounds with fly fishing rod.. Was fun!
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

the Kentucky state record is over 20 pounds and that thing is a beast, i can see one getting that big if it was given the chance, i mean thank about it for every stat fish caught, a bigger one is always swimming around some where, and its no photo shop, look at his hand, its dipped up in to the fish, and with a lil simple math and measuring, im putting that one is between 60 to 65 inches long, that would make it what, around the 30 pound range, not to big to be beyond belief, but its still huge, awesome fish and congrats on him
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

That is unreal!
cory schneider

cory schneider

well said michael.... koodos to the angler well done. (or lucky day lol) might be some sort of record check it out. a few years ago i beat the colorado state record (20lbs) with a 32 lbs blue cat.(colorado is not known for its cat fishing) i butchered it up not even thinking it would take any state record. that same year a 23 lb blue cat was taken and is now the new state record...... i been kicking my self in the ass ever since....(its in my pics if any one wants to see)
scott cardinel

scott cardinel

it's the same thing with all these pictures put on here. they extend their arms as far as they can from their body and put the thing really close to the camera. that's the only reason why most of these things look so big.
Colt Ford

Colt Ford

lay off the lengthy comments chuck
Doug Amundsen

Doug Amundsen

Not a Walleye, its a Zander.
The scientific name of zander is Sander lucioperca. Also known as pike-perch, it generally attains a length of 20 - 26 inches, and weighs about 7 lb. The zander is bigger in size than the walleye, and the heaviest one weighed around 44 lb. The eyes are large and glossy, containing a reflective plate which increases their sensitivity at night or in poor light. It has two dorsal fins which are spaced apart, and a mouth with a formidable amount of fang-like teeth. The back is gray or brown in color, with gray striations on the tail. The other fins are pale yellow. The dorsal and caudal fins have 8 - 12 rows of dark spots. The maximum age for a zander to live is around 20 years.

The scientific name of walleye is Sander vitreus. Walleyes are olive to golden in color, in conjunction with a white spot on the bottom of the tail fin, and a black spot near the dorsal fin. It has spiny dorsal fins. It's called walleye because of the way the eyes are always pointing at the wall. The mouth is endowed with large teeth. Its body attains a length of 31 inches, and the maximum weight of a walleye is around 10 lb. The lifespan of a walleye can extend up to 26 years

Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum)

Zander ( Stizostedion lucioperca)

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Michael Robertson

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