Woodrow W


Cougar is after the cat.

By 12 years ago

11331 views 16 comments

Source : http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoX9trmhQdicAvd2JzbkF;_ylu=X...

I would stay inside for a while.


chuckles norris

chuckles norris

The cat's almost as big as the mountain lion.
Alex Hightower

Alex Hightower

id need a new window. that one would be shattered and the cat would be takin a nap
Chris Smith

Chris Smith

Yup...shoot thru the glass.....
Russell Lindsey

Russell Lindsey

did anyone see the second mountain lion in the pic
Daniel Britt

Daniel Britt

Ohhhh double trouble, this guys kids baiting the wrong cougar species lol
Mike Mellon

Mike Mellon

yup and yup lol
Shawn Shinberger

Shawn Shinberger

Pretty sure i would have grabbed a rifle and had a field day lol.
Tyler Coleman

Tyler Coleman

i saw that second one too i was like wtf..but yea i agreee i would drop that thing with it gettin so close tto the house like that..shadyyy...next thing u know you"ll wake up to go to work an walk out to find a mountain lion on your front porch ...that"ll be a day ender loll


i wouldnt shoot my own window out but i wuld probably spook it off and then shoot them both ,,
Aaron Zielinski

Aaron Zielinski

I would be calling up someone to fix the glass door I'm about to send a slug through and have me a new stuffed cougar.
bryan kelley

bryan kelley

wat are u feeding the house cat. i'd be more scared of the housecat cause it's in the house with me. dang thats a big kitty. lol
Noah Jenkins

Noah Jenkins

Yes. Shoot the first one through the glass door, and then have a missing window while the one in the background decides whether or not he wants inside too.
armand duquette

armand duquette

The cougar in the back is a mount on a log..so the one on the porch probably is a mount as well..
Jake Eddleston

Jake Eddleston

Why shoot through the glass.... just pop the door open a bit and stick the barrel through ...... but i agree with armand ^
Karen Wiley

Karen Wiley

i agree with armand both the cougars are mounts
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Woodrow W

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