Zack Doyle


Clear Cutting

By 13 years ago

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Small clear cuts on your property greatly increase the available browse for your deer herd. Since a whitetails diet is over 40 percent browse, its a great idea to cut some trees and make room for growth at ground level.


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

All I have is growth at ground level. Too much right now. I'm ready for the timber to choke out a bunch of it so I can turn smaller portions of the land underbrush and can start hinge cutting as well.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

It will be a long period of time before you see the timber overtake it again. You can speed it up a bit by hacking down and weed killing portions and planting 6+ foot oaks, or even pines. Not only do the small clear cuts make great feeding areas, but deer will use them to bed in as well.
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Zack Doyle

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