Eric Rogers


Bear Climbs Tree With Hunter

By 12 years ago

8237 views 7 comments



Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

Not sure what I'd do if this happend.
Julien Francoeur

Julien Francoeur

I would have my .270 safety off pointed at it just in case!
Matt Maro

Matt Maro

id shoot every single 30-06 bullet i have in my riffle
Matt Maro

Matt Maro

only if it got to close though
Joshua Henn

Joshua Henn

that is why you always carry a sidearm
Don Wells

Don Wells

i'd shit my pants and then pass out or jump out of the tree
cory schneider

cory schneider

im with don shit and jump hahaha..... crazy thanks for sharing
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Eric Rogers

12 years ago



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