Woodrow W


440 pound deer?

By 12 years ago

21897 views 15 comments

Source : http://www.skinnymoose.com/bbb/2010/01/02/dude-is-this-a-freak-buck-or-what/

Is this a freak or what?


Jason Couture

Jason Couture

Wasn't that particular deer taken near Thunder bay Ontario?
Jason Chapais

Jason Chapais

WOW....................OMG that is a masive deer
brock trimble

brock trimble

NICE buck man wish i shot somthin like that
Rhia Justask

Rhia Justask

good lord he's thick
Cole Sametts

Cole Sametts

If it seems to good to be true it probably is?
Lisa Graham

Lisa Graham

X Yes, it is extremely possible. Especially in the North Central U.S. States such as Michigan, Minesota, etc. The heaviest whitetail buck was recorded in the 1920's at over 500 lbs in the same region.
Adam Satori

Adam Satori

that's one way to fill the freezer lol
Don Wells

Don Wells

awesome deer but by the looks of the size of the bases where his hands are what is the score on that rack,,,, there has to be some kind of a record there
Reid Rogers

Reid Rogers

that is not that big in real life
Adam Klessens

Adam Klessens

it probably went to mcdonalds a few times
Ian Lutz

Ian Lutz

Look at the website, it was taken off of a farm
Mason Christe

Mason Christe

bull shit thats impalsabl
Keng Moua

Keng Moua

i keep think it fake but at the back of my head ik it real out there huge buck man gotta love these pic people put on
Chris Campbell

Chris Campbell

its not impossible you can produce a buck that big on a whitetail deer farm any day
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Woodrow W

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