Wayne Craig


Ron Nemetcheks Outfitting Limited

By 13 years ago

2245 views 3 comments

If anyone just randomly has 6,000 dollars burning a hole in their pocket then check out Ron Nemetcheks Outfitting service! The average deer goes over 160 and there is no baiting or high fences!


Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

Some big deer in there. He might upset some people that can't tell how obviously photoshopped this is but if anyone really thinks this guy killed all these himself in one day, they're just plain crazy anyway. It's a cool picture.
Wayne Craig

Wayne Craig

no its definitely photoshopped, its just a cool picture and these deer were all taken on his property
Matt Hoffpauir

Matt Hoffpauir

Whack 'em and stack 'em. That looks like a lot of Photoshop work, but it makes for an interesting picture.
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Wayne Craig

Wayne Craig

13 years ago

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