natasha hawkins


Pig Hunting done right!

By 13 years ago

4445 views 11 comments

Taking my friend out to get her first pig, no better feeling than getting excited for another hunter and helping someone get their first kill!


Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

And a great first pig with some cutters at that!
natasha hawkins

natasha hawkins

Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Looks like California? I've been out there a few times hunting blacktails. Humboldt County
natasha hawkins

natasha hawkins

Yup it is California :) Not humboldt but I have bear hunted there. This is actually Cottonwood area if your familiar.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

No not real familiar with that area. I was much younger when I was out there. It was 8 years ago I guess. Hiking those open hills and stalking blacktails with a bow was one of the most incredible hunts I've been on. Killed a great buck out there in 2004
natasha hawkins

natasha hawkins

Ya the hills make it interesting. They are perfect for sneaking down a gully for a buck or pig.
Brad Jennings

Brad Jennings

Do you bow hunt Natasha? When I get back from Afghanistan my brother and I are going down to FL to clean house with our bows....Are they afraid of the big bad wolves? ;)
Dale Morris

Dale Morris

Bow season here in Fl. is 10/22/2012 cant wait. If you have private land you can hunt hogs year round.
natasha hawkins

natasha hawkins

Yes I bow hunt, its my fav!!!!!!! I'll be on a boat on the lake bikini and bow in hand this weekend for opener. Scouting Friday!
Jay Rink

Jay Rink

Wish we had hogs up here. They look like a lot of fun.
Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith

Nice pig grow up down in Redding miss the long hunting season in California. Oregon has a real short season and have to hunt deer and elk at the same time. Have shoot a few good pigs out by coleman fish hatchery. Not much pigs to speak of around here, just mule deer that are hogs
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Pig Hunting

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natasha hawkins

natasha hawkins

13 years ago



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