Mike Richardson


meat hunter

By 13 years ago

Pennsylvania 1962 views 2 comments

The last buck i harvested as a meat hunter. He was the definition of minimal antler requirements for the state of PA. I let all of the little ones walk last year and focused on mature bucks. Got 2 opportunities but couldn't seal the deal. What a difference in the way a 3.5 year old PA buck acts. They are true survivors and stop and check their surroundings after a few steps. I got this little guy on a perfect set up with scents, decoy, and calling. Rattled him in and he came in posing with ears back and fur standing up. I used a glen del buck with no horns mixed with special golden estrus and som great rattling and calling.


Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson

date was november 6th a day i have harvested 2 whitetails in PA with a bow
Wayne Craig

Wayne Craig

Respect that your letting the little ones walk now! I wish every Pennsylvanian would start! Every animal with a bow is a trophy though! Be proud
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Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson

13 years ago

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