By Henry Phillips 13 years ago
Texas 16382 views 7 comments
I've killed some big ones in my day but this might be the largest I've seen.
Dropped onto the board:
21 Drops
Originally Dropped by:
Henry Phillips
13 years ago
Tags: hunting, -deer-hunting, -whitetails
Tags: deer-hunting, -thebigdeer, -whitetail-hunting
Henry Phillips
37 lbsKelly Lewis
That's a big one.Hunt Man
This one I caught on my game camera looks bigger and he's still out there.William Mathews
How do you guys hunt them?Roy Burkhart III
wow !!! Nice cat !!! 2nd biggest ive ever seen !!! my dad killed one in goliad Tx. it was just over 40lbs. monster cat !!!Hunt Man
You need a call. Here's a good manual one and here's a good electric one Austin
That is a big cat!! I use to trap them in TX and I caught 2 right about that size but it is def bigger than the average kitten. Good work!!