Matt Hoffpauir


Hunt Like You're Hungry

By 12 years ago

Texas 5781 views 10 comments

The author of I lover her writing, and she looks great in camo face paint.


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

I'm always hungry. I checked out her blog. A lot of good, interesting posts on there.


this is an incredibly sexy pic haha just sayin
Mike Molinaro

Mike Molinaro

super sexy lol
Writing Huntress

Writing Huntress

Thanks guys!!!
Matt Hoffpauir

Matt Hoffpauir

You made it to HuntDrop!! Welcome!
Writing Huntress

Writing Huntress

I did! I'm liking it so far.. so nice to have a community of like-minded people gathering under a common passion. I didn't even know what this site was until you posted this lovely picture of me and linked it to my website, thanks for the hits!
Charlie Beanish

Charlie Beanish

I don't buy any meat! Never will!
Harold Bowman

Harold Bowman

It's always nice to see a woman that is not afraid to get out and hunt with the guys or even on her own. It makes me feel like all my years fighing for gun and hunting righs have not gone to waste. Thank You Huntress
Writing Huntress

Writing Huntress

Harold- You are welcome, sir! Thank y'all, if it weren't for a supportive cast of males, I never would have started hunting.
Matthew Lichti

Matthew Lichti

i need to find a girl that hunts
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Matt Hoffpauir

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