Kyle Rawlings


Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Berkeley County

By 13 years ago

South Carolina 24388 views 15 comments

This eastern diamondback rattlesnake was killed in Goose Creek, Berkeley County, South Carolina and measured six feet and seven inches long (~ 2 m). I also read the snake was killed with jumper cables, which sounds like an odd and dangerous way of killing anything, let alone a large venomous snake. Let's hope this part of the story isn't true, or at least that there's a rational explanation.


Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

She's a little too dressed up for the occasion.
Henry Phillips

Henry Phillips

She's a looker.
Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

Here's an interesting fact. I read hogs could be making rattlesnakes rattle less. A farmer who raised pigs for a long tim reported that when he would hear a rattlesnake buzzing in the sow pen, the sows would be line to it and fight over the snake since pigs love to eat rattlesnakes. Therefore, the theory is they are ceasing to rattle to avoid detection.
Roy Adams

Roy Adams

Hunt Man

Hunt Man

She's a southern girl for sure.
Jerry Fuller

Jerry Fuller

There's a snake???
Jeff Lenway

Jeff Lenway

Funny the different color than our Florida -rattlesnake. But the girl I'll take.) Take a bite from think I'll survive that.
Grade Fowls

Grade Fowls

it's a nice catch for a beautiful lady...
Bill Robins

Bill Robins

what snake??? :)
Ron Moore

Ron Moore

yep i agree she looks like a gal id take home to meet dad a.....i love looking for them oh and the snakes tooo :) yes i love snakes any kind love eating them big rattler...the bigger the better and ifen ur not stupid and have respect for any venimous snake u can do it to
jack shaffer

jack shaffer

craig orts

craig orts

I live one town away,and I've never seen anything that huge,,,
craig orts

craig orts

Nice snake too,LOL...
walker davis

walker davis

to me it looks like is got some thing in it's belly, that's a big un,
Robert Dunning

Robert Dunning

very nice good job
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Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

13 years ago

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