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Deer Fights Bear

By 12 years ago

10666 views 9 comments

This deer looks like he's kicking the crap out of this bear. I wonder what this confrontation was all about in the first place. Any ideas?


Will Alexander

Will Alexander

The buck kicks the bear's tail. What do you think?
Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

That deer jacks him up I bet.
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

The deer looks just like he's just throwing jabs. The bear need to get his paws up a little higher but I've gotta go bear. I expect the bear is just setting Rudolf up for a roundhouse.
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

I'm going to have to go with the buck on this one.....Looks like he's got a good 1,2 combination!
Jason Ferguson

Jason Ferguson

I'll go buck as well. Just looks like he's gettin the bear setup for a finishing move.
Justin Mathew

Justin Mathew

guys bears are carnivores I'm going with the bear that buck might have rabies for it to attack a bear
Jon Lalone

Jon Lalone

i will go with the under dog i am going to say bear i think he is just baiting the buck in waiting to sink his teeth in then its time for fresh venison
Marty Newell

Marty Newell

that bear needs to keep his chin tucked a little better. That dear may take him in the later rounds...hahahaha
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