Mike Richardson


Special Golden Estrus

By 13 years ago

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This has been the most effective scent i have used for hunting. I have had a ton of deer come into it. Best day with it:

I walked over to my buddies stand and gave him a water bottle. I had put the Golden Estrus in my mesh part of my bookbag and walked over to his stand location. As soon as i got there he told me not to move as a spike buck was following me. I had called at this deer and he came into 15 yards. Just then a nice 7 point came charging in and i was blessed to shoot him. I told my buddy to stay in the stand and i will go walk out and get our atv and give that deer some time to expire. I set out a 3 scent stick set up around him. WIthin the hour i had saw the spike and shot the 7 point. 3 more bucks came in to his stand set up at the scent. He did not get to shoot any but 5 bucks in one hour is a great testimonial. THis is the only doe scent that i use and based solely on success not marketing!


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Mike Richardson

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