this gun is the best and most accurate gun ever!!!!! dropped an 838lb moose and a 162 lb bear! instant death with this gun! 200 grain. (picture without the scope)
this gun is the best and most accurate gun ever!!!!! dropped an 838lb moose and a 162 lb bear! instant death with this gun! 200 grain. (picture without the scope)
chuckles norris
I love lever action rifles. I guess it goes back to watching westerns as a kid.kori coro
they are the best i think!Jerry Wiggins
I shoot a Winchester model 94 375 Big Bore. Is it comparable to the 35?kori coro
Yeah they both have very similar features but with different power. Take a 35 180 grain and a big bore 180 grain the big bore is obvious more powerful just because of the bullet size. So what I'm saying is the designs r almost the same but a different bullet makes all the difference in the gun. You c what I'm getting at?Brad Van Aken
i love my 35 best gun everJimmy Roach
nice gun..Joseph Ewing
About how much did this gun cost?kori coro
my grandfather gave it to me so i dont know but to estimate the cost maybe 400-500 dollars in good condition