Paul Carter


What Hunting is All About

By 12 years ago

3597 views 6 comments

Now THIS is what the sport is all about. It's not score, it's not how many points or how much it's about the smile you see here, which was provided by Livin' The Hunt TV. Just awesome.


Jamie Walker

Jamie Walker

Triple love for this picture!
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

That's a happy kid.
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Reminds me of how excited I was to bag that first deer.
Jerry Wiggins

Jerry Wiggins

Congrats on the deer! Great picture!
john bartley

john bartley

great to enjoy the sport with youngsters i try to get 1 person a yr interested in the sport
Mark Merkling

Mark Merkling

Awesome! Reminds me of my youngest daughters first deer.
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Paul Carter

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