Alwyn Ladell


The Illusive Peruvian Whitetail

By 11 years ago

Peru 2084 views 0 comments

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The Peruvian whitetail is much smaller then our North American whitetail and they much bigger ears. There are two different types of Peruvian whitetail and although they often get grouped together their antlers are actually very different. Depending on where you hunt in Peru your trophy will vary greatly. In the mountains where I was hunting you can find eight point bucks with horns that wrap forward around their eye area which is very different from the coastal area’s whitetail that very rarely get to eight points and have much smaller antlers that grow strait up. I think it is pretty interesting that they are all classified the same and yet they look so different but I guess that just means I need to get one of each! I didn’t get my deer this year but I’m already re booked for next year and this time I’m going to spend a lot more time in Peru! The mountain hunt is a very challenging hunt but it covers some of the most beautiful and interesting country in the world!


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