Eric Rogers


One of the Biggest Wild Hogs

By 13 years ago

Turkey 10600 views 10 comments

Again, while this is a huge wild hog, this guy is small and he's sitting way back from the camera. Either way this is a big, big hog. It was killed in Turkey.


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

It's big either way.
Laura Carter

Laura Carter

Looks a little suspicious.
Henry Phillips

Henry Phillips

He's a beast alright. I don't get to hunt hogs myself. Would love to though.
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

I wish I knew how much it weighed.
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

That thing is unreal.
Warrior Outdoors

Warrior Outdoors

that might feed a Marine platoon for a
James Kwiatkowski

James Kwiatkowski

i agree with Laura....something just doesn't look right about the pic
david stillo

david stillo

i agree with Laura,looks suspiscious,no blood or bullet holes and the head and mouth are overly huge..
Dalton Bauer

Dalton Bauer

to bad its really not a true wiled hog its more like its more of a farmed raised 1 mixed with a wiled 1 to make super hog
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Eric Rogers

13 years ago




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