I have the honor of introducing the greatest group of men and women you'll ever want to meet the Oklahoma Youth Shooting and Hunting Program volunteers... Andy Kiem, George Edwards, Andy Cobb, Kevin Egan, Barbara Bischoff Egan, Doug Griffin, Austin Griffin, Nate Furguson,Tom Fry, Deann Helburg Fry, Scott Holmes, Tyler Holmes, John Mozingo, Mike Stringfellow, Kelly Stringfellow, Amanda Bolding, there are sooo many I'm leaving out and my apologies go out to those not named here. Each of these people and sooo many others have donated thier time, their land, their love for hunting, and field savvy to young men and women who would not have had an opportunity to go hunting otherwise. God Bless you all for your love of God's backyard, the thrill of the hunt, and your willingness to give of yourselves for the children and their parents.