Eric Rogers


Montana Hunter Kills Huge Wolf

By 12 years ago

Montana 14594 views 7 comments

This photograph is said to be a Montana wolf, taken by hunter Travis Boughton earlier this month, while he and his father were elk hunting. According to Travis, this "wolf" was chasing the bulls Travis and his father were hunting. But look closely. Is that really a wolf, or something...more?


Skip Mahoney

Skip Mahoney, what else could it be?
nathan welchn

nathan welchn

umm yeah, looks like a wolf to me. if you are referring to his paws curling under, boxers paws are the same
seth Myers

seth Myers

it looks to be part dog along with the wold look
cory schneider

cory schneider

he is really pretty. i want one solid black like that. looks like a big mean narly bad ass of a wolf...... would it only go down after a silver bullet hit it or somthin? hahah what else could it be?
Eppe Saarenheimo

Eppe Saarenheimo

gavin williams

gavin williams

the only thing it can be a badass!!
Caleb Bowen

Caleb Bowen

Your lucky that you shot that in one shot i hope or other wise i would be praying for you God that thing is a giant
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Eric Rogers

12 years ago




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