Eric Rogers


Locked-Antlered Bucks Dropped

By 12 years ago

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12 point buck whose rack was still locked with a 9 point buck. The 9 point buck was dead and little more than the bust and remnants of the hide were left. If you look closely at the picture, you’ll see the two bucks are literally cheek to cheek.


James Cooper

James Cooper

That giant had to deal with the smell of his opponate for quite some time
Robert Dunning

Robert Dunning

i wish you could make the pictures big enough to see why so small
Don Brunk

Don Brunk

I would take it in a second, why would you leave it walking around like that.
robert owen

robert owen

Amazing I found two locked in the edge of a swamp both been dead for awhile.

Diane Preteau

Diane Preteau

Amazing that the buck lasted that long dragging the extra weight wow
Mark Trayer

Mark Trayer

The 12 point looks to have a beefy neck. Was it shot during peak rut?
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Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

12 years ago

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