Eric Rogers


Kid Dropps 30-Point Buck!

By 12 years ago

Minnesota 9359 views 5 comments

Well, almost 30 points … 27 to be exact.

While hunting with his stepfather, Beach-Bittner noticed a buck walk into a field shortly after they got into the stand. He took aim with his .270 rifle when it was about 50 yards away and dropped it. It got up, walked a few steps and then fell for good. “I was surprised at how big he was,” Dylan told the Brainerd Dispatch. The buck had 27 points on a non-typical frame, with great mass and multiple brow tines.

“It seems like it gets bigger every time I see it,” he told the Dispatch.


Jeff Bagley

Jeff Bagley

that is awesome, something he will remember the rest of his life, would love to know what it scored.
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

congrats to him
Audra Goss

Audra Goss

Toby Dupuis

Toby Dupuis

This was in my cousins town...
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Eric Rogers

12 years ago

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