Dustin Gaschler


Hungry Much?

By 13 years ago

13939 views 18 comments

Large boa constrictor electrocuted to death


David Hewett

David Hewett

Will Alexander

Will Alexander

I think he's trying to bite through a rabbit proof fence in Australia. Anyone else ever seen this?
bryan kelley

bryan kelley

awe man, would love to have this snake. they make great anti theft devices for the car. ppl see a live snake in ur car, they wont mess with it.
Sharlane Morrison

Sharlane Morrison

Haha, I keep and breed boa constrictor. This is not a boa constrictor. It's an african rock python. Much bigger! That would be a heck of a find for sure!
David Bitecofer

David Bitecofer

That's a neat pic but I don't think that's an electric fence.... Notice the wire connecting the lines to a steel post? Maybe electric fences don't work the way I think, but that looks like a ground fault to me. My guess is that those wicked barbs that it calls teeth are caught on the wire and he can't get his mouth open far enough to get loose.
Kyle Smith

Kyle Smith

david Bitecofer, it is. you can tell it was electrocuted to death by the blackened flesh around the mouth where the mouth touches the fence. it's an electrical burn
John Kepler

John Kepler

David Bitecofer
You are right this is not a electric fence steel wire and rod won't work it would ground out
Joey Bird

Joey Bird

kyle smith, it obviously isn't because if you connect an electrical fence to an iron rod and put the rod in the ground, it will ground the wire and you wouldn't get shocked
Joey Bird

Joey Bird

and even if it did get shocked, it still wouldn't kill that big of a snake
James Page

James Page

It's not an electric fence. Electric fence has to be insulated and that post isn't insulated. From a battery or voltage box the electricity would ground out at the first post.
Ashlee Nester

Ashlee Nester

Maybe it's tail was straight up and was struck by lightening!
Siegfried Osmers

Siegfried Osmers

This is an African Rock Python. The photo was more than likely been taken in South Africa. The fence itself is not electrified, in the photo, but normally our game fences over here has offsets with electrified wires about a feet or so from the normal fence. There is also an electrified "tripwire" on the inside of the fence to keep game, that crawls under a fence, like nyala, gemsbuck, etc. inside. You can see a piece of the tripwire in the top left corner of the photo. The snake probably strike back when he touched the electric wire and got stuck in the fence. The normal reaction for a snake, when it get shocked by one of these wires, is to curl, and then they, most of the time, get stuck in the fence and gets electricuted. Have seen this a few times.
Jeff Diner

Jeff Diner

clearly it slithered its way onto the fence and as it stung it unmerciful its natural reaction to strike gave it the equivalent to a low voltage electric chair. surely sucks to be it
shane Kern

shane Kern

This is not electric fence. There are no insulators to keep it from shorting out.
Jarred Thorkelson

Jarred Thorkelson

Daniel Davison

Daniel Davison

Tell ya what go grab an energized electric fence with one hand and the metal post its attached to with your other hand, then tell me that its not possible. I did it once as a kid... never did it again and took a week for the chest pains to go away.
Jeff stabler

Jeff stabler

That fence is NOT electric , cant work with metal posts and wire connected directly to it ,, it needs insulator between post and wire to work !!!!!! You could be right Daniel , you just might not remember the insulators .
Lee McLaughlin

Lee McLaughlin

OK can't see the top strand at the post. It may be insulated and hot!
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Dustin Gaschler

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