Alwyn Ladell


Farewell to the Semprio

By 11 years ago

Argentina 1620 views 0 comments

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I took the Semprio to Argentina with me and it was so accurate that unfortunately I never got the chance to use a follow up shot but boy did I reload! Every time I fired the gun I instantly reloaded it just because its so much fun to work the action! My poor guide was yelling “No Shoot No Shoot” which of course I wasn’t going to but its far to difficult to resist reloading. It amazes me as well that it fits into a case no bigger then the length of my duffel. The gun is so easily disassembled that the easiest was of carrying it is in two pieces. The scope comes off with the turn of two levers so if your long distance target all of a sudden becomes an up close target you can take the scope off in no time at all! I can’t say enough about this gun but of course all good things must come to an end and it’s time to send the Semprio back to it’s home at Krieghoff for some much needed R&R. I’m going to miss this gun but I’m excited to try the Semprio out in some other calibers so maybe for my next hunt I’ll see if I can borrow another one…


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