Alwyn Ladell


European Mouflon in Macedonia

By 11 years ago

Macedonia 1972 views 0 comments

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It was a busy day yesterday! We got up at four in the morning and drove about an hour to join with about a hundred other people that were doing a driven wolf hunt! I had never even heard of this but apparently it is quite common here. Half of the people were “pushers” and the other half were “waiters” I was a waiter. The pushers go through the forest in a line yelling and making as much noise as possible to flush the wolves out and the waiters perch up on a hill and wait for the wolves to run past them. I have to say the whole thing was a little nerve racking but it went alright and it was very well organized. We didn’t get any wolves but I guess they did see four of them while they were pushing them but the wolves managed to sneak back through the line of pushers. Once we finished that we took a long and much needed nap before heading out to hunt mouflon. We had tried the day before to hunt them but with no luck so at last light we shot a pig that the camp needed for meat and called it a day. After my wonderful nap we went looking for the mouflon it was very hot at first but the weather seemed to be changing as we sat in the blind. The wind began to swirl and turn in odd directions and it started to cool off a bit. We got a call from one of the guys that works at the farm saying he had seen a mouflon in a different area so we quickly got out of the blind and made our way in that direction. As we got close to where the man had said he saw them we snuck over the top of a ridge to glass down and saw the mouflon standing broadside on the next ridge. I quickly dropped into prone position and got steady, the mouflon walked around in and out of bushes until he finally cleared and I took my shot and he dropped. He was exactly 300 yards away when I shot but the gun did its job. I’ve been shooting a borrowed 300 win-mag that we call the “instrument” because of it’s accuracy! Today we are going after a big fallow deer and then sitting for the wolf all night, hope I can stay awake!


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Alwyn Ladell

Alwyn Ladell

11 years ago

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